I see the birds that fly so free
I put them there for me to see
That I am free, just like they are
No longer trapped, I'm who You are.
Oh Creator, where are You?
Are You me, and am I You?
Now I see You everywhere
I can see your Gift for me.
And now I see I am You too
What You can do, I can do too
I receive Your precious Gift
To create and to be free.
And now that I receive this Gift
I feel whole and just fulfilled.
I don't need to do a thing
All is here inside of me.
Now I see there is no door
That my mind just put it there
Just for me to struggle more
Not to see I am the door.
Now I know You set me free
For me to see what I can be.
Then I forgot, and I blamed You
I felt You left me all alone.
And I lived in that illusion
And for me, it felt so Real
But then I start to see again
You never left; I couldn’t see.
And I thought You hid from me
But it was just in my mind
'Cause You never hid from me,
I was blind, not seeing You.
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